bookmark_border40% returns in stock market in 4 months again expose the CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, ROBBERY of indian paypal account holders, domain investors

The dishonest greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are justifying their massive FINANCIAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations on the domain investor since 2010, falsely claiming that the domain investor, experienced engineer, goa 1989 jee topper, will not be able to make any money elsewhere in a clear case of CRIMINAL DEFAMATION refusing to acknowledge the excellent financial, engineering skills

For diversifying her income sources, the domain investor, a private citizen who has been CHEATED, EXPLOITED, ROBBED by the dishonest greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi invested a small amount of a few lakh in shares in February, March and April 2021, Despite the market indices being very high in February, March, 2021, in June 2021, she finds that she has a profit of 40% within 4 months

In contrast the domain investor is investing Rs 4-5 lakh annually in domains, webhosting every year, and she is not able to even make 50% of the amount she is investing since 2012. Additionally due to harassment of indian government agencies, the ad networks are forced to keep the monthly advertising revenue to less than $300 per month by paypal, so there is no scope for increasing the advertising revenues despite adding more websites. There is no limit to how much profit indian citizens can make from investing in shares.

This shows the ruthlessness, lack of humanity and honesty of the indian tech and internet sector in acknowledge the skills, risk taking ability of the domain investor who they have ruthlessly CHEATED, EXPLOITED to reward google, tata sponsored goan call girls sunaina, siddhi, panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, greedy robber housewives like robber riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree, indore robber deepika, and other frauds like ruchika kinge, amita patel with monthly government salaries faking domain ownership, bank account

If the indian tech and internet sector does not want the domain investor, engineer to invest money online, they should legally purchase the domains, the domain investor, engineer will invest her money elsewhere and make far more money, since she is very experienced and has much better financial skills compared to most indian women like google role model sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chand, who mostly have no money of their own and only puppets of their husbands.
The time required for researching and investing in stocks is also far less compared to investing in domains, developing and managing websites, so the domain investor is trying to reduce her investment in the google, tata controlled dishonest inhuman indian tech and internet sector which is extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING hardworking single women.

bookmark_borderAuto withdrawal to bank account not working for some indian paypal account holders since 22 May 2021

According to the postings on the Paypal community forums Auto withdrawal of balance not working for some indian paypal account holders since 22 May 2021 . Usually the balance in US $ or other currency is withdrawn on the day when it is received.
While currency rate could be one reason why the auto withdrawal is halted, it appears that the 11 year banking fraud on paypal account holders is also exposed, and the main beneficiaries who are friends and relatives of top ntro, raw, cbi employees have got the withdrawal blocked
Some of the paypal account holders who are complaining on the forum are
The domain investor usually receives payment every Wednesday from a writing website. The US$ payment is in the paypal account, yet the amount is not yet withdrawn to the indian bank account on 26 May 2021, or 27 May 2021 till 9 am
Other indians who are facing a similar problem, that their balance is not autowithdrawn to their indian bank account can contact on

bookmark_borderOptions traders making Rs one crore profit annually lead a normal life, only indian paypal account holders CHEATED, EXPLOITED, TORTURED

According to google’s favorite domain fraudster R&AW employee amita patel , a large number of options traders are making more than Rs 1 crore annually, they are not labelled a security threat
One of biggest examples of the atrocities on indian paypal account holders is how the security agencies are encouraged to falsely label them a security threat, though they ae making very less money, almost all make less than Rs 10 lakh annually, while no one harasses options traders making more than Rs one crore annually according to google’s favorite domain fraudster R&AW employee amita patel on twitter, Youtube
The foreign companies are paying the indian paypal account holders only if they get some service, product, the amount is very small usually only a few lakhs annually, yet since 2010, government agencies, employees like mandrekar, nayak caro, pritesh chodankar are hysterically criminally defaming them a security threat without any kind of legally valid proof, to get their lazy greedy fraud relatives like greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, raw/cbi jobs faking bank account, domain ownership since 2012
The small amount the paypal account holders are making is used for paying their daily expenses yet indicating the atrocities of the government on hardworking harmless indian citizens, the security agencies especially in goa are allowed to continue with their FINANCIAL FRAUD, human rights abuses on harmless paypal account holders, the government have the humanity and honesty to end the atrocities.

bookmark_borderOptions traders are making 10% monthly, some make Rs 22 lakh profit in one day, yet ntro, raw, cbi are only harassing indian paypal account holders making very less money

Indicating the role of indian tech and internet companies in harassing, cheating and exploiting indian paypal account holders, they are falsely labelled a security threat, their savings are stolen and they are denied privacy causing great losses.
The indian paypal account holders are usually making very less money, only enough for food and business expenses, yet they are hounded.
In comparison Options traders are making 10% monthly, doubling their money in one year, some like amita patel’s architect student make a Rs 22 lakh profit in one day, yet no one is bothering them at all, they are not denied privacy, their saving are not stolen by government agencies and they are not falsely labelled a security threat

This shows the rampant human rights abuses, denial of fundamental rights for domain investors in the indian internet sector, who have no one to help or protect them against cruel selfish greedy government employees

bookmark_borderLarge number of paypal account holders in india facing a problem with autowithdrawal to bank account

Though raw/cbi are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji sindhi scammer naina chandan , a school dropout with no online income,are online experts, domain investors, it can be legally proved that these employees do not have online income and also do not invest money in domains, including this one
The indian internet sector policy of committing financial fraud on some indian paypal account holders, including the domain investor owning this website falsely claiming that lazy greedy raw/cbi employees with no online income, are online experts has adversely affected other indian paypal account holders, since there is no one to help them.
Since April 1, 2021, paypal autowithdrawal is not working for some government banks and many are complaining.
Some of the indian account holders complaining at the paypal forums are
Bhavin shah

Krait haywire
Vishal choudhary

For free help on paypal problems (provided as social service), please contact at or

bookmark_borderFor 8 years, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel and other R&AW/cbi employees refuse to open their own paypal account legally

Greedy gujju thane stock trader R&AW employee asmita patel like tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree relies on her brahmin fraud boyfriend ntro employee puneet to make fake claims that she owns the paypal, bank account, domains of the goa 1989 jee topper in Rs one crore financial fraud

No one has stopped google, tata sponsored Greedy gujju thane stock trader R&AW employee asmita patel from legally opening her own paypal, bank account, providing services or selling products to customers outside india
yet in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations, online fraud

Greedy gujju thane stock trader R&AW employee asmita patel relies on her brahmin fraud boyfriend ntro employee puneet to make fake claims that she owns the paypal, bank account, domains of the goa 1989 jee topper, who the brahmin cheater puneet HATES in Rs one crore financial fraud since 2013 to get a monthly raw salary though thane’s top cheater has refused to pay the market price of the domains for the last 7 years or even the renewal fees
Greedy gujju thane stock trader R&AW employee LIAR FRAUD asmita patel is aware that her brahmin fraud boyfriend ntro employee puneet has never contacted the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, yet showing that she is a SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD and LIAR greedy animal asmita is falsely claiming that she owns the paypal, bank account, domains of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

the goa 1989 jee topper is always selling domains to whoever is paying the market price, yet google, tata being greater fraudsters than the nigerian fraudsters are supporting asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees in their domain ownership fraud since 2011 BRIBING the indian government not to ask the greedy fraud asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees for proof of online income, domain ownership.

R&AW employee asmita patel has a stock portfolio of at least a few crores , she can easily purchase the domains legally, yet showing the extreme greed and selfishness, lack of humanity, honesty she refuses to do so, instead ruthlessly cheating and exploiting the goa 1989 jee topper, though the greedy gujju fraud is getting a monthly government salary only for making FAKE CLAIMS of domain ownership

R&AW/cbi also prove that they are DISHONEST agencies refusing to ask asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees why they are falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, domains including this one of a private citizen, goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer who all the raw/cbi employees HATE, criminally defame in the worst possible manner.

bookmark_borderSome indian paypal account holders cannot update the IFSC code for their bank account and have not received payment

Due to the bank mergers of government owned banks to Punjab National bank, the IFSC codes for some bank accounts have changed
Some paypal account holders are finding that they cannot change the IFSC code for their account.
They also cannot add a new bank account to their paypal account with the correct IFSC code
So the payment is going to the old IFSC code and disappearing since April 1, 2021
The bank is claiming that the amount will go back to the sender, yet paypal is not showing the returned balance, so that the amount can be transferred into another existing bank account.
If others are also facing this problem, please send an email to

bookmark_borderGreedy goan, scammer sindhi raw/cbi employees refuse to open their paypal, bank account legally, CHEAT, EXPLOIT older single woman

One of the greatest FINANCIAL FRAUDS in goa is how the goa government refuses to ask the Greedy goan, scammer sindhi raw/cbi employees why they refuse to open their paypal, bank account legally since 2012, and are falsely claiming to own the bank account of a private citizen, older single woman who they openly CRIMINALLY DEFAME in the worst possible manner to ruin her reputation completely in goa.

After criminally defaming the single woman openly, the hatred is very obvious, yet showing that Greedy goan, scammer sindhi raw/cbi employees, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel have no self respect or honesty at all, they continue making fake claims about business ownership duping people, companies and countries with their complete lies forcing the single woman to protest loudly online

This extremely brazen FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations on the single woman domain investor, engineer of the government agencies and their employees shows the worsening condition of educated women in India, especially in goa, due to which india is ranked 140th among 156 countries worldwide. If the government refuses to end its fraud on the single woman , india could reach the 156 th position , becoming the worst country in the world for women, especially older single educated women

bookmark_bordershivalli brahmin tata power employee’s wife nayanshree continues with her paypal fraud without being questioned

Shivalli brahmin bengaluru Tata power employee’s wife nayanshree does no writing work at all, yet indian, karnataka government, NTRo, raw continue to make up FAKE STORIES in a clear case of labor law violations, skills, FINANCIAL FRAUD and criminal defamation

indicating the worsening condition of single older women in india, Shivalli brahmin bengaluru Tata power employee’s wife nayanshree does no writing work at all, yet indian, karnataka government, NTRo, raw contiue to make up FAKE STORIES of computer, writing work, to pay the bengaluru brahmin housewife nayanshree and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper , who is actually doing the writing work, owns the paypal, bank, iwriter account 137870
The karnataka, indian government is allegedly repeating the lies of FRAUD brahmin ntro employees like the mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan who HATE the goa 1989 jee topper, their btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top engineering college, a single woman engineer and are involved in professional MISCONDUCT of falsely claiming that nayanshree,, 2005 BBM from bhandarkars college of arts and science , kundapura, udupi was their btech 1993 ee classmate to get nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper
Additionally the ntro employees , puneet, j srinivasan, nayanshree’s husband guruprasad are greater CYBERCRIMINALS than ex-google engineer, anthony levandowski, stealing all the data of the goa 1989 jee topper to make fake claims about the greedy bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree , falsely claiming that she owns the paypal, bank , iwriter account to get nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper

The powerful fraud shivalli brahmin, ntro employees have already ensured that the goa 1989 jee topper does not get any paid work in india so that they can cheat, exploit her to get nayanshree and other frauds a monthly government salary faking iwriter, paypal, bank account and the single woman engineer has no way to expose the fraud except posting online, since there is no one to help her

Due to the criminal defamation of brahmin, bania dominated ntro, raw, cbi , the goa 1989 jee topper is making very less money from advertising, and is forced to write to pay the domain renewal fees, yet the indian, state governments especially in goa, karnataka criminally defame the goa 1989 jee topper, making fake claims about the iwriter, paypal, bank account.

For those who wish to verify the information, Tata power employee’s wife nayanshree lived with her husband guruprasad in the Seventh floor flat at Srikunti park chs, marol.mumbai in september 2011 onwards.

When nayanshree is only cooking, cleaning for her husband, is not doing any writing work, why is she falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman she has refused to reply since 2013, more than 8 years to get a monthly raw salary, denying the single woman a life of dignity.,

bookmark_borderGoa government, google,tata fail to explain why their favorite fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro does not open her own paypal account holder legally

Instead of harassing the domain investor for complaining about harassment, financial fraud, criminal defamation, Goa government, google,tata fails to explain why its favorite fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro does not open her own paypal account holder, invest her money in domains, legally if she wants to be known as online expert, domain investor

Usually in every sector,.the person who wishes to be considered the expert will invest their time and money to gain the expertise.Goa government, google,tata’s favorite fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro only wants to spend her time COOKING,CLEANING for her crooked husband caro,she does not want to spend her money and time doing computer work, neglecting everything else
Then the greedy goan housewife robber riddhi relies on her fraud father nayak, husband crooked caro working in goa security agencies, to criminally defame the goa 1989 jee topper and falsely claim that robber riddhi with no online income, owns the paypal, bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper.

yet indicating the complete lack of honesty, humanity of indian tech,internet companies goa government they refuse to question riddhi why she is so greedy, that she wants to people to falsely claim that she an online expert, when she has no online income, and does not want to spend her time and money opening her own paypal account, selling products or services to customers outside india