bookmark_borderSince greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters do not want to open their own paypal account, they are vicious in making fake mental health allegations

One of the best examples of the widespread fraud in the indian tech and internet sector is how the top companies allegedly google, tata are supporting goan bhandari shameless scammer sisters priya,puja, sunaina, tejas chodan and their powerful relatives cheater chodankar, naik in their banking online fraud on a hardworking single woman only because these shameless scammer greedy goan bhandaris are hysterically making fake mental health allegations against the single woman and then falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account to get government jobs
the extremely greedy shameless scammer goan bhandari sisters do not even want to invest money in computers, open their own paypal, bank acount provide services or sell products to customers these shameless scammer sisters are hysterically making fake mental health allegations, spreading defamatory rumors about the hardworking single woman and then falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account, domains, to get lucrative government jobs at the expense of the single woman engineer, with the help of brahmin cheater government employees j srinivasan, puneet, who hate the single woman who was their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay

Legally just because some banking fraudsters are making fake mental health allegations against their victim to cover up their banking fraud, it does not mean that they are telling the truth or there is any problem. Even on reddit they are hiring people to make fake mental health allegations

yet the indian tech, internet companies and government agencies are supporting the bhandari shameless scammer sisters priya,puja, sunaina, tejas chodan in their banking fraud, refusing to answer why the scammer sisters cannot open their own paypal, bank account legally since 2012,

bookmark_border2016 reddit post on shows that government SLAVERY of indian paypal account holders was systematically masterminded by indian tech and internet companies

One of the features of the government SLAVERY RACKET on the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010,to get the lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends and associates of fraud top government employees government jobs with the stolen resume, savings of the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, is that the cunning masterminds allegedly puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay are falsely pretending that it was a series of mistakes, and it cannot be reversed.
However,2016 Reddit post on government SLAVERY in India featuring shows that government SLAVERY RACKET was not a series of mistakes, it was very systematically planned by the cunning cruel masterminds to get their lazy greedy relatives, friends and associates government jobs faking resume, paypal, bank account, domain ownership after criminally defaming the real domain investor in the worst manner to destroy her credibility completely,so that no one would believe her, though she is telling the truth
Though the fraud government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, isolated the single woman completely, getting greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan steal all her correspondence, it appears that some internet users were aware of the very systematic racket to destroy the credibility of the hardworking skilled single woman engineer completely so that 10-15 lazy greedy frauds like nayanshre, the cheater wife of scammer shivalli brahmin tata power employee guruprasad could get monthly government salaries without doing any kind of work, without investing any money online at all at the expense of the domain investor who is criminally defamed
So taking pity on the domain investor, single woman engineer who is a victim of government SLAVERY allegedly masterminded by google, tata, dishonest indian tech and internet companies, making very less money, despite working very long hours daily, someReddit user was kind enough to make a post on indian internet sector government SLAVERY featuring in June 2016

bookmark_borderHaryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge has plenty of time to enjoy with friends and family, no time for opening her own paypal, bank account

Companies outside india are paying the domain investor only if they receive some product or service, government employee Haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge does not provide any product or service, since she spends all her time enjoying with family and friends
Yet in a clear case of government slavery, the government is falsely claiming that the haryana scammer owns the paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer to waste taxpayer money paying scammer ruchika a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman who legally owns the bank account.
So before commenting on the website content,the security agencies promoting scammer ruchika should explain why ruchika does not open her own paypal, bank account, uses a combination of cybercrime, criminal defamation to fake bank account ownership since 2012, get a monthly government salary at the expense of the hardworking single woman engineer

bookmark_borderPaypal payments problem in India

There is a major problem with paypal payments in India, users are not able to use paypal for making payment to their client.
The domain investor is trying to make payment to asmallorange since 16 May 2022
She is always getting an error
Things don’t appear to be working at the moment
Please try again.
If anyone else is facing the same problem, please send email to

bookmark_borderGovernment policy of openly committing financial fraud on some indian paypal account holders led to rupee crash

Usually most countries are supporting exporters only in india exporters are criminally defamed, humiliated by government agencies who falsely claim that their lazy greedy relatives and friends with no export income are exporters to waste taxpayer money paying all fraudsters monthly government salaries
Allegedly bribed by the indian tech and internet companies, the government has formulated a policy committing financial fraud on some real exporters since 2010, falsely claiming that their bank account, belongs to the SUGAR BABIES ,relatives and friends of top government employees to waste indian taxpayer money paying all these banking fraudsters a monthly government salary only for making fake claims while the real exporter who spends hours working is criminally defamed as idle, mentally unsound, and denied the income and opportunities, a life of dignity
The indian tech and internet companies are aware that the housewives like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, indore robber deepika/veeena are only COOKING/CLEANING for their crooked husband, they are not doing any kind of computer work for clients at all, yet being pathological LIARS, FRAUDS indian tech, internet companies, government officials continue with their great fraud of making fake claims about cheater housewives, scammer students and other frauds like GREEDY gujju stock trader amita patel, goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, who does not even have a computer at home, yet is getting great powers, monthly government salary only for making FAKE claims with the help of her brahmin sugar daddies in government agencies like j srinivasan, and others allegedly from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay
The GREEDY LIAR SHAMELESS indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata were very good at running the fraud since 2010, no one questioned them and the liar officials on their payroll, only in 2022, the massive domain ownership,financial fraud in the indian internet sector is very obvious, since the google, tata sponsored domain fraudster government employees are not interested in paying any money for the domains, yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims of domain ownership, online income while the real exporter is criminally defamed in the worst manner by LIAR greedy government agencies, denied her fundamental rights since 2010

bookmark_borderDespite annual revenues of more than Rs 30 crore, fraud gujju stock trader amita patel FAKES paypal, bank account, domain ownership to get raw salary

In a clear indication that the government agencies are ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing hardworking older single women to make the rich even richer, Despite annual revenues of more than Rs 30 crore, fraud gujju stock trader amita patel allegedly FAKES paypal, bank account, domain ownership to get raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer since 2013
The greedy gujju stock trader amita patel is least interested in opening her own paypal, bank account yet she is able to manipulate the systems, with the help of indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata and get monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor, whose annual business income is usually less than Rs 1.9 lakh

bookmark_borderLIAR Human resources employee of american companies, haryana fraud mba hr ruchita kinge fakes paypal account to get monthly raw salary despite getting Rs 10 lakh salary

Indicating the role of indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata LIAR Human resources employee of american companies, haryana fraud mba hr ruchita kinge fakes paypal account to get monthly raw salary despite getting Rs 10 lakh salary
The linkedin profile of haryana fraud mba hr ruchita kinge, featured in peoplematters clearly shows that she is working in various american companies and getting a very good salary of more than Rs 10 lakh annually
Yet showing how ruthless indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are in cheating, exploiting indian paypal account holders the haryana fraud mba hr ruchita kinge fakes paypal account since 2012, to get monthly government salary and great powers at the expense of the real paypal account holder, a single woman engineer.
The fraud mba hr ruchita kinge was also helped by her fraud boyfriends , sugar daddies puneet,sumeet, verma in her cybercrime, paypal, banking fraud

bookmark_borderFraud indian tech, internet companies thought that they could treat paypal account holders like their employees

According to complaints on quora, in some companies like TCS only a few employees do all the work, while others who are good at flattering their manager or sleeping with the manager get promotions or good grades.
Those who work very hard, get low grades
For the tech, internet companies, all the payment goes to the company account,.
Fraud indian tech, internet companies thought that they could treat paypal account holders like their employees, forgetting that indian paypal account holders are not salaried employees, they are self employed or online business owners whose financial records are different.
If a well paid government employee is going to falsely claim that he or she owns the bank account of a private citizen, the private citizen will protest loudly td

bookmark_borderSince indian tech, internet companies do not want to pay sex, money BRIBES from their million dollar profits, they criminally defame indian paypal account holders

Showing that indian tech, internet companies are the greatest LIARS,FRAUDS in the world,Since indian tech, internet companies do not want to pay sex, money BRIBES from their million dollar profits, they criminally defame indian paypal account holders and then falsely claim that the relatives, friends of top ntro/raw employees, and goan call girls who do no computer work, do not invest money in domains, own the domains, websites, paypal, bank account of a private citizens to get all the lazy greedy fraud friends, relatives and call girls a monthly government salary at the expense of the real paypal account holders
The money trail will easily expose the paypal account fraud of raw/cbi employees yet ntro, raw,cbi are so powerful that this fraud has continued for 11 years without being questioned.

bookmark_borderGoa government misleading paypal with fake stories of business, account ownership causing problems for business owners

The goa newspapers Navhind times, times of india have carried the news of goa government startup policy, yet the media refuses to carry the news of how the top Goa government officials are openly involved in massive startup FRAUD making fake claims about google, tata sponsored kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh and her scammer sons karan, nikhil who do not want to start their own business, open their own paypal, bank account yet get a monthly government salary for falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account and domains of a single woman engineer, who the scammer sindhis HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME for the last 9 years
The goa government is aware that its favorite google, tata sponsored kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked xerox shop owner husband, her scammer sons nikhil, karan are only studying, enjoying themselves, no one is doing any kind of computer work at all, do not invest money in domains at all
yet proving the real goa government policy, is to make goa the preferred destination for STARTUP FRAUD with top officials getting huge BRIBES from high status frauds FAKING business ownership, the goa government is blindly believing all the fake claims about the shameless panaji sindhi scammer family, has got the sindhi scammers raw/cbi jobs for FAKING business, bank account , domain ownership, for the last 9 years, and is also allegedly DUPING banks all over India, paypal.
The goa government fails to answer why their favorite sindhi scammer family does not open their own paypal, bank account, why they want to falsely claim ownership of the business, bank account of a single woman they HATE.

The domain investor was not able to change the paypal account bank details after oriental bank merged with Punjab national bank, because of the goa government startup FRAUD policy, and the goa government also allegedly DUPED another bank with its FAKE business ownership claims. Hence the domain investor is forced to waste her time daily, to expose the goa government business ownership FRAUD, so that banks are not misled with fake stories of business ownership, wasting the time and money of the real business owner,who is investing her time and money in the business.