Haryana human monster gurugram GREEDY SHAMELESS COWARD CRUEL CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge continues her endless FRAUDS on single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper
one of the reasons why cybercrime in india is increasing is because the indian,haryana government, indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, infosys,cognizant are openly supporting and rewarding CYBERCRIMINALS with great powers, government jobs, with their favorite FRAUD Haryana human monsterGREEDY SHAMELESS COWARD CRUEL CHEATER mba ruchita kinge continues her endless FRAUDS, government SLAVERY on single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper to get great powers, monthly government salary
Gurugram’s greatest ONLINE, BANKING FRAUDSTER raw employee mba ruchita kinge, full time human resources manager at optum with salary of Rs 15 lakh, does not want to open her own paypal, bank account, purchase domains legally relies on her fraud husband vikas and cheater boyfriends like verma, sumit,puneet,arya to CRIMINALLY DEFAME a hardworking harmless single woman engineer, the goa 1989 jee topper who has no one to help or defend her, so that GREEDY gurugram fraudster ruchita kinge can continue her endless frauds of FAKING paypal, bank account, domain ownership and get a monthly government salary at her expense, while the single woman engineer is making very less money because of the endless frauds of the haryana government, tech and internet companies
Though Haryana human monster gurugram GREEDY SHAMELESS COWARD CRUEL CHEATER mba ruchita kinge has been running her endless frauds since 2012, and has become extremely rich, she does not have any pity on the older single woman she has ruthless ROBBED, refuses to purchase domains legally yet continues to fake domain ownership and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
This is posted as a fraud alert so that companies, countries and people are aware that the indian government, raw has been making FAKE CLAIMS about
Haryana human monster gurugram GREEDY SHAMELESS COWARD CRUEL CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge who like her greedy fraud boyfriends like puneet has refused to purchase domains, yet fakes domain ownership and gets a monthly government salary