According to the postings on the Paypal community forums Auto withdrawal of balance not working for some indian paypal account holders since 22 May 2021 . Usually the balance in US $ or other currency is withdrawn on the day when it is received.
While currency rate could be one reason why the auto withdrawal is halted, it appears that the 11 year banking fraud on paypal account holders is also exposed, and the main beneficiaries who are friends and relatives of top ntro, raw, cbi employees have got the withdrawal blocked
Some of the paypal account holders who are complaining on the forum are
The domain investor usually receives payment every Wednesday from a writing website. The US$ payment is in the paypal account, yet the amount is not yet withdrawn to the indian bank account on 26 May 2021, or 27 May 2021 till 9 am
Other indians who are facing a similar problem, that their balance is not autowithdrawn to their indian bank account can contact on